7 Benefits of Hiring RPA Developers

robotic hand on a blue background

Automation is a proven and reliable strategy for businesses to streamline their workflow, ensure higher efficiency, and boost customer service. In these terms, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an integral solution that covers the use of software robots, or “bots,” to automate and delegate repetitive tasks and processes within businesses. RPA software takes over human actions to carry out rule-based tasks effectively.

With the employment of such software for automation, businesses can allocate resources wisely, decrease manual engagement, serve clients faster, and take efficiency to a new level. RPA’s impact covers a broad range of industries, skyrocketing workflows and providing higher cost efficiency. Being the right hand for many companies, from startups to well-established corporations, RPA maintains its demand. As per Deloitte, over the next three years, a significant majority, accounting for 78% of current RPA adopters, expect a considerable surge in their investments in robotic process automation. Additionally, 53% of respondents have initiated RPA adoption, a figure expected to climb to 72% within the next two years. If this trend persists, RPA is poised to achieve near-universal adoption within the subsequent five years.

The most effective approach for businesses to experience all the benefits of RPA and adopt this technology is hiring developers on contract. Thus, as an entrepreneur, you can access specialized expertise without the long-term commitment of full-time employment, obtaining flexibility and scalability in your automation endeavors. In its report, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) highlighted collaborative contracting as one of the principal strategies for enhancing industry efficiency. 

In this post, we’ll cover the seven core benefits of hiring RPA developers, as well as the positive aspects this cooperation model can deliver.

Table of Contents:

Flexibility in Resource Allocation

One of the primary advantages of ordering RPA services on a contract lies in the ability to handle short-term project needs without the constraints of long-term commitments as well as the vast scaling opportunities catering to the dynamic project needs.

Meeting short-term project needs without long-term commitments

Businesses often face changes in workload, seasonal demands, or project-specific requirements that may not justify permanent, full-time developers’ hires. RPA developers working on a contractual basis allow companies to seamlessly assemble a skilled team tailored to the project’s scope and duration. Reasonable, on-demand resource allocation ensures that you can effectively adapt to dynamic priorities and fulfill your project requirements without overextending your workforce or budget. 

Scaling up or down based on project requirements

Furthermore, hiring RPA developers on contract offers the flexibility to scale up or down according to dynamic project requirements. You can swiftly increase your automation initiatives to address a surge in workload or downsize once the project delivery and deployment have happened. Contract-based arrangements allow businesses to make their workforce reflect the demand fluctuations. Concentrating primarily on dynamics can optimize resource usage and liquidate the risks associated with overstaffing or underutilization, enhancing operational efficiency and value for money. 

Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Control

RPA developers can significantly enhance cost-effectiveness and budget control by automating repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows, and reducing the need for manual intervention.

Avoiding overhead costs associated with full-time employment

Hiring RPA developers on a contract basis outweighs cost advantages compared to bringing on full-time expertise. With well-outlined contract arrangements, you can bypass expenses such as benefits, paid time off, and other overhead costs typically related to traditional on-site hiring models. With this model, you can guarantee that financial resources are directed towards critical project demands rather than administrative hustle and bustle.

Paying for services rendered, optimizing budget allocation

Contractual agreements allow you to pay for RPA services only when needed, providing greater flexibility in budget management. Thus, you can opt for the pay-for-service model, ensuring that your budget allocation is optimized by investing resources directly into project milestones and deliverables. Moreover, entrepreneurs are welcome to scale up or down their RPA initiatives according to evolving requirements, aligning expenses with project progress and strategic objectives. Furthermore, Deloitte claims that RPA solutions typically ensure a payback period of under 12 months, with robots providing an average capacity equivalent to 20% of full-time employees. This way, you can save costs following the contract hiring model and return development investments using the RPA benefits.

Calculating cost savings compared to hiring full-time RPA developers

By evaluating the RPA cost in terms of hiring full-time developers versus contracting, you can accurately calculate the potential decrease in your outgoings. You can examine factors such as salary, perks, onboarding, taxes, and turnover costs compared against the expenses of engaging contract developers. This way, you’ll gain valuable and precise insights into the financial efficiency of adopting contract talent for your RPA software

Understand the True Cost of RPA

Before you hire, dive into a detailed analysis of the factors that influence RPA implementation costs and make informed decisions.

Explore RPA Costs

Access to Specialized Expertise

When hiring contract RPA developers, you are borderless within your opportunities, meaning that you can hire an expert with narrow specialization and competence in a specific technology.

Tapping into a pool of experienced RPA developers with diverse skill sets

You can easily gain access to a vast pool of remote RPA talents with rich skill sets and backgrounds by contacting our PLANEKS team. RPA developers can bring various experiences and domains to the table, bringing unique perspectives and problem-solving abilities to the table. Depending on your niche and business concept, you can enjoy the benefits of PRA for Insurance, Healthcare, Hospitality, or Real Estate, automating financial processes, optimizing supply chain operations, or enhancing customer service workflows. Contract RPA developers offer extensive expertise to address diverse automation challenges.

For instance, we at PLANEKS have RPA developers with a solid background in creating powerful healtcare automation software. One of our projects is a reliable solution that enhances operational workflows in healthcare settings. Integrating essential codes into digital interfaces with minimal manual intervention streamlines medical appointment scheduling and data input processes. The system ensures the integrity of patient data with optimized auto-completion and documentation automation, preparing comprehensive, accurate documents for secure distribution. An advanced verification process guarantees data integrity, while automated notifications keep patients informed about their medical administrative procedures. Besides, the intelligent error detection feature actively monitors for discrepancies, informing stakeholders to take necessary corrective measures. Such a powerful automation strategy not only saves time by allowing medical professionals to focus on critical services but also improves patient service, delivering a highly responsive and engaging experience. The software enhances cost efficiency by minimizing operational expenses and reducing errors inherent in manual processes, improving data reliability and patient safety.

Leveraging expertise in specific RPA platforms and technologies

Contract RPA developers typically have narrow specialization in precise RPA platforms and technologies. You can hire specialized knowledge and leverage the most suitable tools for your automation needs, ensuring optimal performance and operational efficiency. Whether it’s designing custom bots, integrating RPA software with existing systems, or optimizing workflows for productivity boosts, RPA developers are always at your disposal. This is why 67% of respondents had invested in RPA technologies during 2021, according to the survey conducted by Robocorp.

Examples of successful projects driven by contract RPA developers’ specialized knowledge

Deloitte’s findings indicate that RPA consistently surpasses expectations across various indicators, such as enhanced compliance (92%), increased quality/accuracy (90%), improved productivity (86%), and cost reduction (59%). Besides, UiPath, a global RPA software vendor, has economic advantages resulting from customers’ use of its robotic process automation (RPA) software. These benefits are projected to increase from $7 billion worldwide in 2021 to $55 billion by 2025. Collectively, for the period of 2021 to 2025, these benefits are expected to reach $129 billion. Among the three benefit categories—elevated revenue, cut down expenses, and improved quality; the decreased outgoings category is predicted to be the largest, comprising 44% of the total. However, revenue gains are expected to exceed expense reductions.

Accelerated Project Timelines

Boosted project milestones are one of the key benefits of hiring RPA developers, as their expertise in robotic process automation enables businesses to delegate tasks efficiently and obtain higher progress, leading to streamlined workflows and faster project deliveries.

Rapid deployment of RPA solutions with on-demand talent

Contract developers allow businesses to faster employ the advantages of RPA due to the swift deployment for automation projects. Readily available on-demand talent can ensure top-quality services and kickstart RPA initiatives without prolonged recruitment processes. Faster onboarding enables companies to use maximum opportunities and respond precisely to evolving market demands.

Avoiding delays associated with hiring and onboarding full-time employees

The traditional hiring process for full-time RPA developers can be time-consuming, engaging in sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and onboarding procedures. According to the GoHire statistics, the average length of the job interview process stands at about 27.5 days. With contract developers, you are guaranteed to significantly circumvent these delays, accelerating the implementation of RPA solutions. This way, your projects stay on track while your contract developers demonstrate met deadlines and performance efficiency.

Real-world examples showcasing the speed and efficiency of contract RPA developers

Outsourcing to external contractors has been established as an effective method to reduce costs, with 76% of executives surveyed in Deloitte’s Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 adopting and acknowledging this practice. 

An excellent example of RPA developers’ efficiency can be showcased by the success story of Quandri‘s Robot Factory. This case study demonstrates real-world examples of organizations overcoming RPA implementation challenges by delegating the project to a reliable software development vendor.

Quandri caters to the specific challenges faced by insurance brokerages by making the process of creating and managing robots more straightforward and optimized. RPA developers from PLANEKS have cooperated in creating a solution that automates tasks like Policy Renewal, eDoc management, Policy matching, and verification. This helps insurance professionals work more efficiently, achieving high accuracy and productivity. The product makes setting up bots easier and faster through efficient configuration automation while still offering plenty of customization options to meet each brokerage’s unique requirements. Brokers can make instant adjustments, track performance, and adapt to evolving business demands thanks to real-time control over the automation process.

Reduced Administrative Burden

With RPA developers, you can significantly reduce administrative burden by automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and improving efficiency.

Simplifying administrative tasks related to hiring and management

RPA business benefits within hiring contract-based developers lie in the reduction of administrative flows and headaches that traditional employment necessitates. This process can be significantly optimized by outsourcing RPA development. This way, companies can streamline the hiring procedures, accelerating lengthy recruitment cycles and administrative complexities. Contract developers are usually profound experts, requiring minimal training, onboarding, and mentorship, thus further easing the burden on managerial resources. When the screening process is prolonged, companies lose as many as 89% of potential candidates.

Minimizing HR overhead and paperwork

Contract RPA developers hiring reduces the workload on human resources departments by decreasing the administrative tasks and paperwork usually linked with permanent employees. Working with contractors means you can sidestep the challenges of managing payroll, benefits, and compliance, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic business aspects.

Exploring platforms and services for seamless contract RPA developer engagement

To facilitate seamless engagement with contract RPA developers, organizations can adopt specialized platforms and services. These platforms serve as a marketplace where businesses can reach out to experienced RPA professionals, discuss preferable terms, and manage project workflows efficiently. Additionally, they often offer features such as escrow services, milestone tracking, and dispute resolution mechanisms, ensuring a smooth and secure collaboration experience. The popular solutions for this are Upwork and Freelancer. In case high reliability is the primary priority for you, you can always apply to trusted IT service providers like PLANEKS to accelerate your hiring, training, and onboarding processes. We can ensure you with highly qualified team members with a proven and verified set of hard skills in RPA development and soft skills for efficient and cohesive cooperation.

Risk Mitigation and Performance Accountability

Hiring RPA developers can streamline processes, reduce errors, and enhance operational efficiency while ensuring risk mitigation and performance accountability through automated workflows and robust monitoring mechanisms.

Mitigating risks associated with project uncertainties

Implementing RPA projects introduces uncertainties, ranging from technical challenges to unpredicted changes in business requirements. Hiring contract RPA developers can mitigate these risks by providing access to specialized skills catering accurately to your needs when your project faces challenges. To guarantee the successful hiring of your RPA developer, you should adopt vetting processes and clear communication channels. Therefore, your team can identify potential issues early on, allowing for timely adjustments and risk mitigation strategies.

Holding contractors accountable through defined deliverables and timelines

To ensure accountability, contracts with RPA developers should outline specific deliverables, milestones, and timelines. This clarity helps establish well-structured and described expectations and provides a basis for further assessing performance. Regular progress reviews and status updates enable you to monitor project advancement and address any deviations from the formed plan efficiently.

Strategies for ensuring quality and performance from contract RPA developers

Quality assurance measures are critical to the success of your RPA project, liquidating performance and operational failures prior to deployment and ensuring your automation software is accurate, reliable, and error-free. Solid QA techniques for maintaining high standards throughout the development process comprise code reviews, testing protocols, and performance benchmarks. Besides, a collaborative, cohesive, and transparent working relationship with contractors can ensure constructive feedback and promote a shared commitment to achieving project objectives. Your RPA developers should prioritize quality and performance. As a business, you can consequently maximize the value derived from contract software engineers while minimizing your expenses.

Enhanced Focus on Core Business Functions

Allowing internal teams to focus on strategic initiatives

When repetitive and time-consuming tasks are handled by contract RPA developers, internal teams can redirect their attention toward high-value, strategic activities. Instead of allocating resources to day-to-day, time-consuming activities like data entry or report generation, employees can concentrate on activities that drive innovation, improve customer experience, and propel business growth. The focus shift enables you to raise your competitiveness in a dynamic market and become more credible in the eyes of customers.

Offloading repetitive tasks to contract RPA developers

Contract RPA developers specialize in automating routine processes, thereby freeing up valuable time and resources for internal employees. These technicians possess the technical expertise to design, implement, and maintain solutions tailored to specific business needs, maximizing the benefits of using RPA. You should delegate software development tasks to trusted external vendors, achieving greater operational efficiency, reduced errors, and faster time-to-market. Moreover, the scalability of contract arrangements allows businesses to keep up with changing demands, invest wisely, and get qualified IT services.

Ready to Automate? Let Us Help

Partner with our experienced RPA experts to design, implement, and scale automation solutions tailored to your business needs.

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In summary, businesses experience valuable benefits of implementing RPA via hiring developers on a contract basis; in particular, you are guaranteed to gain enhanced focus on core functions, cost-effectiveness, and excellent team scalability.

Using contract RPA developers helps businesses optimize their workforce and concentrate on activities that drive sustainable growth and enable them to win the market. We highly suggest you explore the flexible staffing model of hiring contract RPA developers for your automation projects to adopt all the benefits mentioned earlier firsthand.

Employment of a contract RPA talent can significantly contribute to achieving business success by elevating efficiency, driving automation, service precision, and becoming a solid market player in your niche. This staffing approach represents a relevant strategic investment in the future of your organization’s operations, bringing a wealth of pros and opportunities, as well as recouping investments quickly.

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